With this Variant, that is reminiscent of a V8 engine, your ingredients are comfortably places in black plastic holders. The stainless-steel body receives a fresh coat of red paint.
Spirits - the cocktail machine for your home and on the go.
With Spirits you won't need a barkeeper and no recipes to mix cocktails in bar quality. Select your favourite cocktail in the Guest-App and Spirits will mix it out of up to 8 ingredients. When planning a party enter the number of guests and the desired cocktails in the Barkeeper-App and it will create a convenient shopping list.
Spirits mixes cocktails automatically - and does a lot more.
No matter, if Spirits is used in everyday counter life or every now and then for parties with friends and family: Apart from its core capabilities, the versatile machine offers a lot of convenient features that can be easily accessed from the Barkeeper and Guest-Apps.
Up to eight bottles with alcoholic or non-alcoholic ingredients as well as suitable syrups fit the holders. After inserting the flexible tubes and selecting the orderable cocktails all the host needs to do is provide some ice and mixing can begin. The guests connect to the integrated WiFi from Spirits with their smartphone and can order one of the offered cocktails. If a glass with ice is placed under the faucet mixing can commence. A delicious cocktail will be true to recipe in the glass within 20 seconds.
Once mixing off all cocktails is complete the tubes can be cleaned with hot water. The remaining liquids will be pumped back into the respective bottles. Afterwards hot water will be pumped through the tubes for cleaning.
Spirits has an integrated rechargable battery (3,300 mAh) so you will be able to use the machine for up to 8 hours during garden parties or other outdoor events - independent of any power sockets.
When 8 ingredients are just not enough and you like bigger and better cocktails, simply connect 2 Spirits. This way you can offer a wider selection of cocktails.
Apart from great cocktails, great music is also essential for an unforgettable party. With the Guest-App you can vote for your favourite songs - the more votes a song gets the higher it will go in the play list and the faster it will be played. The music can be played from streaming services like Spotify, which Spirits can connect to. Other sources are also possible, like the internal memory of the machine or a connected USB drive.
Spirits can also control a connected lightshow. The light will automatically adapt rhythm and colour to the music.
Two apps, easy use.
Spirits is controlled with two easy to use apps which are already included. One app is used by the barkeeper and will inform him about new cocktail orders. The other app is used by the guests for ordering cocktails. Both apps provide a list of cocktails that have been ordered and can be assigned to the guests. This way guests know which cocktails they enjoyed and can rate them.
Spirits can mix a variety of different cocktails and long drinks.
Should your taste not match the predefined recipes, you can change ingredients and ratios. Spirits will then always mix that drink the way you like. The cocktail machine can create evergreens as well as your own creations. You can modify the database of recipes as well as add new mixes to it.
When Spirits is delivered it will already contain a rich database of recipes for about 200 cocktails and long drinks as well as a small selection of popular mixers that Spirits can mix for you. All you have to add are ingredients and ice.
From prototype to mass release.
Before Spirits was presented to the wide public during the TV show "DAS DING DES JAHRES", the invention by Sascha Koths already underwent some improvements. The first prototypes ranged from circuits mounted on wooden boards to 3D printed plastic models that was shown during the TV show. The further improved production model will be produced on high-grade stainless steel and will be available with a variety of holders for bottles.
When buying your SPIRITS cocktail machine, you can choose between one of our different bottle holders.
With this Variant, that is reminiscent of a V8 engine, your ingredients are comfortably places in black plastic holders. The stainless-steel body receives a fresh coat of red paint.
In this retro-futuristic variant bottles with ingredients will be held in place by hoops and drip cups.
The lightweight fabric bags from this variant will be the steady home for you cocktail ingredients.
Spirtis prototypes have been in use for years and was for the first time presented to a wide audience during a TV-show in germany. The machine proofed itself even under demanding conditions.
By popular request Spirits is now offered on Kickstarter and - once the crowdfunding goal has been reached - will be produces as a high-grade production model.
What does Spirits bring to the table? We have collected to most important questions and answers for you.
After switching the machine on you connect to the WiFi provided by Spirits with your Samrtphone, Tablet or PC. With your browser, you access the barkeeper app. Here you can select cocktails that you would like to offer your guests, set the number of guests and the approximate number of cocktails to be consumed. Spirits is then able to provide you with a shopping lists of all needed ingredients. Once those are on hand, place the bottles with alcoholic or non-alcoholic beverages or syrups in the holders. Insert the tubes into the bottles and let the Barkeeper App know which beverage is in which holder. Now you are all set to order cocktails from within the Guest-App. Once an order is placed you just need a glass with ice under the faucet and confirm the order.
That depends on the size of the glass. The different ingredients for the cocktail will be pumped simultaneously. Spirits need about 20 seconds to mix a 30cl cocktail or long drink.
Spirits was developed by inventor Sascha Koths over the span of a few years and collected experiences during a number of parties and festivities and with support from "UNIVERSITÄT" was brought to series-production readiness. While the prototypes were made of plastic and assembled by hand, the production model will be made of stainless steel and high-grade components. The accompanying higher production costs necessitate the crowd funding on Kickstarter. Should the funding goal be reached, the supporters will receive the machine as well as any extras, as soon as the production can be shipped.
The number of different cocktails depends on the selection of Mixers and the required ingredients. A single Spirits can pump up to 8 ingredients simultaneously. Should you wish to offer more cocktails, you can switch out ingredients during use or connect 2 Spirits with each other. In dual use mode, up to 16 ingredients can be processed.
In theory Spirits can process any liquids. Please note that there might still be residue in the tubes after automatic cleaning, so a cleaning by hand might be necessary.
Only during continues use or recharging of the batteries. They make the machine independent from any external power source, so Spirits for example can be used during a garden party.
Cleaning was made as easy as possible. Just place two containers next to the holders and put the end of the tubes into them. Place a third empty container under the faucet. Now you can start the pump cleaning program from within the Barkeeper App. The pumps will start to pump the hot water. After a few seconds, the tubes have been cleaned. Remove the tubes from the containers and start the cleaning program again to empty the tubes completely.
The ingredients will be pumped back into their bottles. This way not a single drop of the precious ingredients will be lost.
Yes. Guests can create their own playlists or infulence the global playlist. Music can be stored on USB drives or the internal memory. Guests can influence the playlist by voting for songs.
Yes. Standard DMX devices can the controled via Artnet. A variety of light programs are already included and adding and saving new light scenes is also possible.
Yes. Spirits creates its own independant WiFi network.
The apps can be accessed comfortably from the Spirits machine and are available for free.
The integrated battery has a capacity of 3.300 mAh and enables a power socket independent run time of up to 8 hours. The actual run time is dependent on the intensity of use, use of additional features as well as environmental conditions like temperature at the place of use.
Yes. With the use of non-alcoholic beverages you can create non-alcoholic cocktail right out of the box. And those are not just good for refreshing kids.
During the optimisation we experimented with a variety of bottle holders and received a lot feedback from our testers. We realised that there was more than just one favourite. So we would like to give you the choice of bottle holders and will offer them with an identical build and easy use in slightly different variants.
You what to know more about Spirits - The cocktail machine? You have praise, suggestions, or even critique that you would like to share with us? Just let us know. Please use the contact form below.
Vielen Dank für Ihre Nachricht. Ich werde mich sobald wie möglich mit einer Antwort bei Ihnen melden.
Sascha Koths
Spirits Cocktailmaschine
Statement according to § 5 TMG
Sascha Koths
Lauterberger Str. 9
47259 Duisburg
Sascha Koths
Phone: 0172 2426846
Umsatzsteuer-Identifikationsnummer gemäß §27a Umsatzsteuergesetz: 105/5149/1949
Aachener Straße 1032
50858 Köln
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